Sunday, January 29, 2006

The UK - National Prayer Point

This is WHY we pray . . .

Pray for Government and against rebellion manifested in immoral laws resulting in persecution of Christians ie. Abortion, same sex marriage, political correctness, diversity policy.
Pray the Fear of God will fall on all in public office. (Ps 94:20,21)
National repentance is needed for national sin. (2 Chron. 7:14)
Pray for godliness to prevail in government.
Pray that laws that threaten morality and freedom for the Gospel will fail to get off the ground.

Leaders by name Tony Blair, Gordon Brown (New Labour) and David Cameron (Conservative), Liberal Democrats (Who plan to elect a new leader).

Pray that Her Majesty - The Queen as Defender of The Faith will speak out with great courage and immense boldness in Defence of The Gospel of Jesus Christ in The UK and that a release of Holy boldness will come on all God's people.
(Note in January 2006 - An Evangelical Leader was knighted by the Queen - an Honour normally reserved for the World's class elite).
Pray for salvation to come to the new generation of the Royal Household - some are already believing God has spoken - time to pray in faith and call it into being.

Pray for the Churches in the UK to find a new passion for God that goes beyond formalism and playing it safe.
Pray for Christians to take their faith into the workplace and streets and for a Holy boldness. Pray for increased unity, patience, persistence and kindness between churches and clergy.
Pray an unprecedented passion for prayer will breakout.
Pray for a breaking of the world's humanistic thinking within the Church that puts control in the hands of human wisdom.
Pray that the general sense that Christians are on the road to becoming an insignificant minority (if present trends continue) will change to a "but God said" vision for revival.

Pray Christians will stop cursing and fighting each other.
Pray for forgiveness, mutual blessing, support and Unity in Christ. Pray for families to turn from unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred to loving each other. Heal the generational relationships turn hearts of Fathers to children.
Pray for racial harmony between black and white, as one in Jesus Christ. Pray for a healing of divisions, ancient feuds, and resentments between countries e.g. Scotland and England to transform into blessing and kindness. Break "tribal spirit" between cities e.g. Birmingham and London; Manchester and Liverpool; Edinburgh and Glasgow, and between counties to transform into brotherly Love, Blessing, Kindness.

Pray that The Holy Spirit educates The Church and that there is a much greater understanding of God's Personal Passionate Love for Jerusalem and Israel.
Pray for political awareness of the widespread deception sown against the Nation of Israel by her enemies.

Pray that the secular mindset is broken and that real repentance will follow a recognition of our Godlessness.
Pray that Judgement warnings and Signs to the Nation will be recognised by the media and believed.
Pray that many past signs to the Nation will be recalled by those in the media.

Pray for the Media that God will place men and women who fear Him in leadership.
Pray for actors and actresses to come to know Christ and be placed in good soil so that they stay the course and produce a great harvest of souls. The nationally sponsored theatre show touring the country "Jerry Springer - The Opera" is a form of national blasphemy.
Pray it will lose favour and stop in Jesus name.
Pray cast members will turn to Jesus Christ.
Pray The Holy Spirit reclaims the popular arts for The Glory of God The Father and Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray for The BBC to have an unprecedented move of The Holy Spirit to return it to its founding mandate to sew seeds of decency and truth. To brilliantly express how magnificently Jesus Christ has built our British society and how fundamental he is for our very survival. The BBC is a stronghold of secular humanist tendencies and appears to be more subtly anti-Christian than other media.

Especially pray for Political Correctness to be defeated in The Heavenly Realms and on earth. Pray that revelation will come to the Nation of the evil roots of this philosophy and that the people and that the leaders of the UK will reject this mindset.

Especially pray for the institution of marriage to be defended and for marriages to be blessed. That prayer about marriage in church and in the home becomes problem prevention driven and not crisis-management. Bless Christian marriages with joy and honour that will confound the world and cause a seeking after the everlasting arms of the Saviour.

Pray in the Universities especially Oxford and Cambridge that God will restore the Biblical Foundations that have been diluted by humanism, secularism, diversity seeking policies, evolution.
Pray for the birthing of a new movement for God on campuses of both the new (lacking Christian foundation) and old Universities.
Pray for new Christian clubs to arise for those who are passionate for Christ.
Pray that Schools and Universities will be touched with powerful moves of the Holy Spirit and bold young evangelists arise.

Pray for the Idolatry:
Pray for those who are caught up in witchcraft, masonry, occult, secularism and false religions and cults for a saving knowledge of Christ as the hope and truth for our nation to be revealed and that the power of His love will break these strongholds of darkness.

Decree the fall of the spiritual stronghold of Islam over the Muslim communities.
Pray for an openness to the gospel among Muslims and very strong protection under the law for Muslims who do convert and find Jesus Christ as their Lord and True God.
Especially pray for hatred to turn into love. Our most passionate enemies to become our friends by finding Lord Jesus Christ as their true King.

Pray The Holy Spirit educates the nation from Her Majesty The Queen to the lowest subject of Jesus Christ's active involvement in our history from at least King Alfred in England to the formation of The UK and ending of generations of war between the different countries in The UK to His Divine Help in snatching victoryfrom defeat in World War Two.
Pray that The Queen and Prime Minister will consider calling National Days of Prayer and Repentance as was done many times in our history up to and including Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts the entire nation of both the deep levels of sin we have embraced and the forgiving, healing, delivering, cleansing unconditional Love of God The Father through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Pray the United Kingdom enters its divine destiny and becomes a mighty force for the Kingdom of God on earth.
Pray that the UK will send anointed servants, who will speak the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit and release the captives of darkness in Europe and other lands

17. PRAY Christians in The UK PRAISE, THANK and WORSHIP Jesus Christ better in the future than even the very best worship of the past.
Pray that The Holy Spirit can so move so unprecedentedly among our nation that God The Father can honestly declare that the people of Britain truly have A HEART AFTER GOD.

18. Pray that Prime Minister Churchill will be proved wrong when he declared 1939-45 to be Britain's "Finest Hour" and that the very best is yet to come from Our People in serving the cause of FREEDOM, JUSTICE, CHARITY, LOVE, TRUTH and OUR NATION's ONE TRUE GOD of THE OLD and NEW TESTAMENT. PRAISE HIS MIGHTY NAME.

With respect to Prime Minister Churchill, we have changed just one word to the following speech, and pronounce it today afresh IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST by THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.

The Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Satan knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."

Blood of Jesus Christ bless and defend Jerusalem, Israel, California, The USA and The UK. To God be The Glory. Allelluia. Amen.